Into the wild book quotes with page numbers
Into the wild book quotes with page numbers

into the wild book quotes with page numbers

This quote shows McCandless’s deep problems with intimacy, which are centered in his ultimately fatal two-year quest for inner peace. And now he’d slipped painlessly out of Ron Franz’s life as well.” He’d successfully kept Jan Burres and Wayne Westerberg at arm’s length, flitting out of their lives before anything was expected of him. He had fled the claustrophobic confines of his family. “McCandless was thrilled to be on his way north, and he was relieved as well-relieved that he had again evaded the impending threat of human intimacy, of friendship, and all the messy emotional baggage that comes with it. Because he died, many have made McCandless a villain, and have seen in his risky actions only arrogance and stupidity, when in reality it was probably mostly influenced by his youth. This also displays the idea that, had McCandless survived, he would have been looked upon with some admiration, likely, and would have been considered a person who had accomplished a great feat. Though he obviously lives in a way that very few do, and particularly very few who grow up with the opportunities he has, the driving force behind his behavior is not unusual. This quote shows that McCandless’s behavior is not unusual. McCandless, in his fashion, merely took risk-taking to its logical extreme.” It can be argued that youthful derring-do is in fact evolutionarily adaptive, a behavior encoded in our genes.

into the wild book quotes with page numbers

That, in large part, is why so many teenagers drive too fast and drink too much and take too many drugs, why it has always been so easy for nations to recruit young men to go to war. “It is hardly unusual for a young man to be drawn to a pursuit considered reckless by his elders engaging in risky behavior is a rite of passage in our culture no less than in most others.

Into the wild book quotes with page numbers